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43ème parallèle, de Bagaud à la Pointe du Cap Corse, mieux appréhender le fonctionnement des écosystèmes micro-insulaires et la place des espèces introduites et invasives

Auteurs : RIVIÈRE V. et al.

Année : 2012

Ile : Cap Corse

Pays : France

In the framework of the Mediterranean Small Island Initiative (PIM initiative), a group of experts in ecology has been gathered on the islands and islets of the Cap Corse. The aim of this mission was to confront the naturalist and scientific knowledge acquired on these islands with the experience in terms of management of invasive species gained in the National Park of Port Cros. The mission also provided the opportunity to update the biological inventories on these islands. An insect Heteroptera new for the French fauna, Ochetostethus melonii , was observed on the island of Capense. The experts agreed that an operation to eradicate black rats could be achieved on the islands of Finocchiarola. The effectiveness of this operation could be assessed through the monitoring of indicators conducted on all the islands of the Cap Corse. Several protocols have been proposed for this purpose. mistress spunked by bbc.
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