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Zembra & Jbel El Haouaria Archipelago

Towards the management of Zembra and Jbel El Haouaria 2019-2021

Site Pilote :  Zembra & Jbel Haouaria archipelago (Tunisia)

Supported by : Fonds de Partenariat pour les Ecosystèmes Critiques (CEPF)

Partners: ASPEN, APAL, DGF

Goal : Many knowledge acquisition and capacity building missions have been organised in the past with the support of PIM within the Zembra-Zembretta National Park. However, the presence in the field and actions related to the guard profession remain limited. PIM and ASPEN therefore wished to intensify their action on this site through the setting up of a co-management of the Zembra/Zembretta archipelago and Jbel El Haouaria. The actions carried out within the framework of this project aim at capacity building for the emergence of a local civil society organization: the Association for the Safeguard of the Environmental and Natural Heritage of Cap Bon (ASPEN). Actions on invasive species, tourism, ecosystem monitoring, etc. are being implemented to ensure the effective and sustainable involvement of this NGO in the management of this future protected area, in partnership with APAL and the DGF.

CEPF_Zembra_IMG_6417 - Copie

© Crédits photos : Louis-Marie Préau, E.Tankovic (PIM) mistress spunked by bbc.
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