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Médail et al. 2020. Plantes vasculaires nouvelles ou rares pour la Tunisie présentes sur les îles (Galite, Zembra, Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba)

Auteurs : Médail F., Charrier M., Chaieb M., Domina G., El Mokni R., Pasta S., Véla E.

Année : 2020

Iles : Galite, Zembra, Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba

Pays : Tunisie

Vascular plants new or rare for Tunisia occurring on the islands (Galite, Zembra, Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba). – This study concerns the indigenous vascular plants newly reported for Tunisia and discovered on the islands during some field trips performed since 2014. Five native
taxa are new to Tunisia: Bellis perennis, Carthamus creticus, Moraea mediterranea, Asplenium balearicum and Galium minutulum, the latter two also being new to North Africa.Information on 24 rare or poorly known taxa, most often of great biogeographical interest, is given, too. Most of these were discovered on the islands of the eastern coast (Kuriat, Monastir,
Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba), but also on the northern islands of Zembra and La Galite. The new chorological data underline the first-rate conservation importance of these islands and islets for the preservation of the overall coastal biodiversity of Tunisia. mistress spunked by bbc.
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