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Inventaire des Micromammifères des îles et îlots de l’Archipel de Kerkennah

ABSTRACT : The mission occurred from March 27th to 29th, on the islands and islets surrounding the Kerkennah archipalego (Tunisia), and notably : Gremdi ; Roumadiya ; Sefnou ; Ramadiya ; Lazdad ; Charmadia ; El Oula ; El Louza ; Jeblia ; Keblia ; Hjar el Ouest ; Gharsa ; Chehimi. The present report …

Inventaire des Micromammifères des îles et îlots de l’Archipel de Kerkennah Read More »

Flore et végétation des îles Kneiss (Tunisie sud-orientale)

ABSTRACT : This work summarizes the results of the botanical and phytoecological study performed on the five islands and islets of the Kneiss archipelago (South-East Tunisia), during a mission of the PIM Initiative in April 2015. The history of this micro-insular environment highlights the deep physiographical changes induced by sea level rise since few thousand …

Flore et végétation des îles Kneiss (Tunisie sud-orientale) Read More »

Flore et végétation des îles et îlots satellites de l’arc hipel des Kerkennah (Tunisie orientale)

ABSTRACT :This work summarizes the results of the first botanical surveys leaded on 11 islands and islets surrounding the Kerkennah archipelago (South East Tunisia), during the mission of the PIM Initiative in March 2014. These micro-insular entities, with a total surface of around 450 ha, has a significant interest in terms of plant biodiversity, with …

Flore et végétation des îles et îlots satellites de l’arc hipel des Kerkennah (Tunisie orientale) Read More »

Flore et Herpetofaune des petites îles et îlots autour des îles d’Elba et de Pianosa

Abstract :23 islands, islets and rocks were visited. The surveys were carried out using the free search method which led to the exploration of the entire surface of the rocks and islets visited (voir: Enquête Herpetologique). The result of the research led to both the reconfirmation of previously observed species and the recording of new …

Flore et Herpetofaune des petites îles et îlots autour des îles d’Elba et de Pianosa Read More »

Non-native species in the Mediterranean

Abstract :Invasive species are threatening the biodiversity of the marine ecosystems! There are a lot of newspaper articles about the presence of non-native species in the Mediterranean. But what is really happening ?What are these non-native species? How can we distinguish the various kinds of species? How do these species manage to penetrate into the …

Non-native species in the Mediterranean Read More » mistress spunked by bbc.
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