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Coléoptères et autres insectes de l’archipel de la Galite

Auteurs : SOLDATI L.

Année : 2009

Ile : Galite

Pays : Tunisie

Coléoptères de l’Ile de la Galite

Since 1995, the Conservatoire du Littoral share its experience with the Tunisian Coastal Protection and Development Agency (APAL) in its coastal zone management.
The field mission realized fromt the 1st to the 7th of July was the opportunity to make an entomologic inventory. Few insect species were found by M. Pascal and S. Renou during a previous field trip from 2nd to 5th of May 2008. These data are mentioned in the following report.
The major part of the observations concerns the coleoptera Tenebrionidae, which many species have only been found in the archipelago. This group of coleoptera is the most interesting, the insular situation and the apterism inducing the emergence of many strictly endemic species. mistress spunked by bbc.
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