Flore et végétation de l’île du Grand Rouveau et des îlots satellites
Auteurs : PAVON D.
Année : 2012
Ile : Grand Rouveau
Pays : France
In 2009 the PIM Initaitive decided to organize a field mission on the islands and islets of the Provence coasts (islands of Grand and Petit Rouveau in Six-Fours, and islands and islets surrounding the Presqu’île de Giens, in Hyères), in order to strenghen and update the naturalist knowledge on these territories.
The objective of the field mission on Grand Rouveau island (May 26th to 29th 2009) was to up-date the former marine and terrestrial inventories, in order to realize an integrated (land and sea) management scheme of the site, in consultation with technicians and elected representatives.
A study on the flora of the island (and surrounding islets) has been realized at this occasion.