PIM Initiative
AN NGO, projects and international partnerships for the conservation of Mediterranean insular areas.
PIM Initiative is an international NGO for the promotion and assistance in the management of Mediterranean insular areas. Its objective is the preservation of these micro-spaces through the implementation of concrete actions in the field, by promoting the exchange of know-how and knowledge between protectors and specialists in the Mediterranean basin. Its approach gives priority to simple and pragmatic solutions. Organising meetings and promoting exchanges between nature conservation stakeholders, capitalising and disseminating knowledge and know-how are the main lines structuring its action.
Initiated in 2005 by the Conservatoire du littoral, and after a dozen years of island adventures, PIM became in 2017 an ad hoc association which has set itself the objective of pursuing its activities while internationalising its governance bodies. For more than 10 years, it relies on a pool of multidisciplinary experts, site managers, coastguards, institutions and NGOs from the Mediterranean basin, who compare and exchange their ideas and experiences and make their expertise available for better managed and better protected small islands.
Since 2017, collaborations with all the historical partners continue, voluntarism and perseverance in action and strong links with the field keep beeing the driving forces in dealing with the progressive erosion of the heritage and natural resources of the coastline in general and of the islands in particular. Regarding its strategic and tactical resolutions, whether they concern issues related to the improvement of knowledge, governance and the promotion of action in the field, the association relies on its network and its Advisory Committee, composed by resource persons representing several scientific and technical fields and Mediterranean countries.
An NGO for better managed and better protected Small Islands
Who are we ?
PIM Initiative, an association under French law (law 1901), is composed of 4 bodies: a Bureau, a Board of Directors, a General Assembly and an Advisory Committee.
Technical Secretariat :
Mathieu Thévenet
+33 7 66 88 79 35
Scientific coordinator :
Eva Tankovic
+33 7 81 33 03 76
The Board :
Ensures the operational implementation of the strategic directions of the association. These are defined by its Board of Directors, which will have obtained the opinion of the Advisory Committee. The General Assembly is composed of all the members of the NGO, with voting rights. It elects the Board of Directors, which in turn elects the members of the Bureau.